Citations And References: Advice On Essay Formatting

There are various styles that you can use to format your paper and these include the APA style and the MLA style. In various institutions, you may be given one to use. If you however find that you have not been given any option, do not fret you can go through samples provided by custom essay writing services and know how to apply them. Below are some of the general formatting guidelines from, that you can format your paper.

The title page

This is the first page of your essay. It mainly serves to introduce who you are and what you are going to discuss on. The title page should contain your topic. The topic should come at the center of your paper in the upper half part of the page. The topic is written in both capital and small letters. After the title, double space then write your name. Your university affiliation should then come next followed by other details.

The abstract

It is a summary of your paper. As much as it comes at the beginning of your paper, it is usually among the last things to be written. Depending on the institution that you are in, one may be given different word counts such as two hundred or three hundred words maximum .Summarizing an entire essay in only two hundred words is not a joke and once you have finished and have no idea how to write an abstract, you can hire an essay writing service cheap to write it for you .The abstract comes in page two and ensure that you write the word abstract at the top of your page. Write the page number always.


This is the part that carries a lot of marks. It contains the introduction, discussion and the conclusion. The introduction serves to give the reader a preview of what the writer is going to talk about. It also serves as a hook. The discussion part carries the main argument of the essay and conclusion either summarizes or recaps the main ideas. This is the page that comes after the abstract. Write the title of your essay at the top center part. It is not advisable to Bolden or underline your title. Use paragraphs to arrange you points. The font that is mostly preferred by most essay editing service is the roman 12 point. To space your work, use double space throughout. If a word comes at the end of the line and does not fit, do not use a hyphen and instead, and just begin it on the next line. The paragraphs should be indented.

References and citations

If you have used a piece of work that belongs to another author, it is advisable that you cite the work. If you do not do this, the author who is protected by the copyrights act will sue you and end up serving a jail term and your work revoked and that is why if you have hired an essay writing service online, ensure that they understand that plagiarism is not tolerated. If you do not know how to cite your works then you should read the following: On another page, ensure that you write the word references at the top part of your paper. Do not underline, Bolden or use parentheses and quotations marks on the word references. Your entries should always begin on the left margin of your paper and do not indent them and as mentioned above, always use double space to separate them. The entries are then written in alphabetical order in regards to the author’s last name.
